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藉由 LiK: MeetUp 邀請國際知名創作者來台參加工作坊,讓台灣的創作者們可以了解最新的世界趨勢與技術發展。透過交流,掌握世界脈動。
藉由 LiK: MeetUp 邀請國際知名創作者來台參加工作坊,讓台灣的創作者們可以了解最新的世界趨勢與技術發展。透過交流,掌握世界脈動。
原創設定師是許多人心中的夢幻職業,可以為好萊塢或世界各地 AAA 級遊戲 / 電影訂下美術風格走向,更是原創設定師們夢寐以求的工作。2018 LiK: MeetUp Workshop 邀請到了領導西方電影美術原創設計的先驅巨擘 Sean Hargreaves 來台灣舉辦工作坊,分享他多年在業界第一線與各大頂尖團隊教學創作的經驗累積。
不只是華麗的技巧展現和功成名就的強者故事演說,在這個工作坊裡,Sean Hargreaves 將把他在 Art Center、蘋果電腦工業設計團隊、Otis College of Art and Design... 等等眾多美術專業教學上的經驗融會,從最基礎的「設計語言的理論」到「如何以光影說一個故事」,甚至是實用的 3D工具使用和 Photobash 運用。他將帶領參予者踏實的理解完整業界工作流程,從養成、發想到創作。體驗國際設定師眼裡所看見的世界。
This year's LiK: Meet Up Workshop, we invited a very experienced industry speaker, Sean Hargreaves to Taiwan to give a workshop and shares his invaluable experience in the Entertainment Industry.
The Workshop is crafted to be organic and more interactivity between the speaker and the participants. Showing a detailed view of how industry veteran designers think through their design process and pipeline of creating high-end industry work. Experiencing how these veterans view worlds.
Having the ability to create worlds, this is a Workshop you do not want to miss!
* All session are conducted in English language with professional Chinese translator.
想要進入原創設定師的產業需要什麼條件呢? 他們又是如何在這競爭激烈的產業脫穎而出,並保持領導產業方向的地位?
這次 LiK: MeetUp Workshop 除了扎實的基礎學理之外,也將請 Sean Hargreaves 與大家一請分享他是如何看待這個產業和定位自己的價值。
The concept industry relies heavily on ideas and having the capability to create fresh & new ideas allows you to be an indispensable asset to any production. It is also concept designers challenge to get inspired from his/her surrounding and uses it in his/her work.
With the progress of technologies to aid creative production, how can a concept designer tap into that technology and integrate into his/her pipeline?
So what are the characteristic to become a successful concept designers? And what are the step they took to be able to stand out from the rest of designers in the world?
This workshop, the speakers will share invaluable insights on how they view this industry and the values of your trade.
LiK:MeetUP Workshop 榮幸邀請了:SEÁN HARGREAVES
Profession (專業):
Lead Concept Designer, Industrial Designer, Production Designer, Visual Effects Art Director & Matte Painter.
Projects (參與專案):
Star Wars: Episode IX, イノセンス Innocence, Avengers: Infinity War, Pacific Rim Uprising, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardian of the Galaxy Vol.2, Star trek: Beyond, Independence Day: Resurgence, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, Godzilla, The Rock, Se7en, batman forever and many more...
星際大戰9、攻殼機動隊劇場版、復仇者聯盟:無限之戰、環太平洋2、雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏、星際異攻隊2、星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠越、ID4:星際重生、波西傑克森:妖魔之海、酷斯拉、絕地任務、火線追緝令、蝙蝠俠3 ...等等更多的作品。
Software (本次活動使用軟體):
Adobe Photoshop, MODO, ZBrush
Website (個人網頁):
課程 Topic:Industry, Life & Art (產業生活與藝術)
Sean will share how he get into the industry. The paths he took and getting the attendees to understand how this competitive field works, the good and the bad. He will also relate how Art and Life goes hand in hand together.
在這個場次裡,Sean 將和大家分享他是如何進入美術產業。在這競爭劇烈的業界裡,何為迷人之處,又有哪些現實辛苦的地方,更重要的,他怎麼讓自己在這領域嶄露頭角。並讓大家理解他是如何讓創作與生活取得平衡,讓一切運作自如。
課程 Topic:Inspiration & Creative Process (創意發想的取得)
Sean will be explaining in details on how he achieve his effective designs & ideas for many of his industry work. He will talk about where he get his inspirations from, the process to get to the final result and as well as how time budget & subject matters influences the techniques he chooses.
Sean 將在這堂課中詳細的解釋他在各個設計領域上的思考邏輯和設計語言。和大家分享他的靈感來源,以及如何在這些思緒中整理出結論,且在考量到客戶給予的時間、預算、主題的影響下,怎麼選擇創作工具表達自己的設計意念。
課程 Topic:Design Thinking & Production (設計語言的理論)
In this topic, Sean will focus mainly on design, form language and visual direction that current consumers and movie projects tend to go for. Production design relies heavenly on the concept designer's ability to push designs with limited resources, especially when physical set designs are required. He will also touch on the importance of searching for your own design instead of getting references from designs pre-made by other designers, trusting your design instinct.
在這個主題中,Sean 將把重點放在現今消費者和電影工作傾向的主流設計、設計語言和視覺傳達分析。產品設計仰賴於概念設計師可以在有限的資源裡做到最大化,特別是這些產品還必須被實際製作成實品。所以尋找自己的設計特色是重要且不可忽視的,而這絕對不是單單從其他設計師的作品中拼貼參考就可以,如何運用你的設計本能將會是重點。
課程 Topic:Composition & Lighting (用光影與構圖說一個故事)
Sean will share with us on how to get good composition and lighting for your scene, which is the fundamental for good cinematography. All these allows the designers to tell the story to their viewers. He will also talk about how photography and teach and influence our design.
怎麼用一個場景的構圖和光影,就對觀眾訴說一個生動的故事呢?在這個單元中, Sean 將與我們分享如何攝影學的基礎 - 構圖與光影,以及這些要素是如何影響著我們的設計。
課程 Topic:3D Technology & Photobash
Sean will talk and demonstrate the different technique and software that he uses in his work. In this session, he will also talk about brush economy, blending 3D into your painting software and achieving a painterly result.
在這單元中 Sean 將現場創作,並介紹在創作時使用的軟體和工具。身為一個創作者的他是怎麼看待筆刷所能創造的效益,又如何把 3D軟體所呈現的效果加到概念設計中,這都將是重點。
課程 Topic:Critic & Work Review (反饋與作品提點
Similar to the previous workshops, Sean will paint over selected attendees artwork, showing us the methods and solutions to improve a painting. This session helps attendees to see pass and beyond their own limitation, which an effective process to learn from masters.
我們將延續過往工作坊中大受歡迎的畫作討論。藉由大家提交自己的作品,Sean 將會直接在畫作上示範他的建議。這會是一個最直接幫助我們看到自己創作盲點,並超越自己極限的有效學習方式!
價格:NT 9200/1人
三天課程:單人票 + 晚宴
價格:NT 10000 /1人
三天課程:雙人套票+ 晚宴
價格:NT 8500 / 1人
三天課程:團體票 + 晚宴 (5人為一單位)
價格:NT 8400 / 1人
場地為 160人之沙發劇場階梯教室,每個座位皆有麥克風與插座,不管是筆電的使用或者提問發言都相當方便!
地址:台北市大安區忠孝東路三段1號 2F (台北科技大學 億光大樓)
電話:+886-2-2741 7655
ADDRESS:106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road, NO. 1 億光大樓
Contact: +886-2-2741 7655
捷運 (忠孝復興捷運站1號出口):
公車 (正義郵局站 (走路約2分鐘):
開車 (建國南北快速道路):
You can get there by:
MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Exit 1:
6 Mins Walk to workshop venue.
Public Buses (Zhengyi Post Office):
Updating in progress! 更新中!
After the ending of the Workshop, LiK:MeetUP team has prepared a feast with lots of food and beer for our attendees. This is for our speakers and attendees to relax after the days of knowledge soaking experience. This is a good chance for everyone to mingle and get to know each other even better.