Profession (專業):
Lead Concept Designer, Industrial Designer, Production Designer, Visual Effects Art Director & Matte Painter.
Projects (參與專案):
Star Wars: Episode IX, Avengers: Infinity War, Pacific Rim Uprising, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardian of the Galaxy Vol.2, Star trek: Beyond, Independence Day: Resurgence and many more...
More credit please check out his IMDb.
星際大戰9、攻殼機動隊劇場版、復仇者聯盟:無限之戰、環太平洋2、雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏、星際異攻隊2、星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠越、ID4:星際重生、波西傑克森:妖魔之海、酷斯拉、絕地任務、火線追緝令、蝙蝠俠3 ...等等更多的作品。
Software (本次活動使用軟體):
Adobe Photoshop, MODO, ZBrush
Website (個人網頁):
Originally from Blackpool, England, Sean moved to the United States with his parents at a young age. Having moved to Los Angeles to attend the prestigious Art Center College Design, Sean graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree and went on to design concept cars at General Motors for 2 years. In 1991 his interests moved to the film business where he has had a prolific career working on films for Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott, Michael Mann, Luc Besson and many more. He has worked as a Production Designer at George Lucas's Industrial Light and Magic, James Cameron's Digital Domain, as well as a Matte Painter at Rhythm and Hues Studios.
Sean Hargreaves 出生於英格蘭的布萊克浦, 幼年時和父母一起搬到了美國,大學時就讀於洛杉磯著名的 Art Center College of Design。畢業後,Sean 進入美國的 General Motors 公司擔任 2年汽車專業工業設計師。到了 1991年,他發現自己的興趣還是在想像空間更寬廣的電影業,於是轉而進入了電影業,並成為 史蒂芬 · 史匹柏(E.T.、侏羅紀公園)、雷利 · 史考特 (銀翼殺手、異形)、麥可 · 曼恩(烈火悍將、全民超人) 、盧 · 貝松 (終極追殺令、第五元素)等等知名導演的御用概念設計師,協助了許多著名電影的拍攝。這之間他也加入了 喬治·盧卡斯(星際大戰、法櫃奇兵) 的 Industrial Light and Magic,詹姆斯 · 卡麥隆(鐵達尼號、阿凡達) 的 Digital Domain 擔任概念設計師,以及在 Rhythm and Hues Studios 的Matte Painter (接景師)。
Sean Hargreaves 近期所參與過的眾多大片。其他所參與過的作品可以在 IMDB 上查閱。
His talent encompasses Production Design, Concept Design, Illustration and Photography. Sean has worked on such diverse films such as Star Wars: Episode, イノセンス Innocence, Seven, Batman Forever, Heat, Jurassic Park: The Lost World, The Fifth Element, Shrek, Toy Story 2, The Seventh Son, 300:The Battle of Artemesia and many others.
Sean 的專業展現在工業設計、美術概念設計、插畫和攝影。Sean 曾經參與過的電影專案種類非常廣泛,如 Star Wars: Episode (星戰9),イノセンス (攻殼劇場版),Batman Forever (蝙蝠俠3),Heat (烈火悍將),Jurassic Park: Lost World (侏羅紀公園:失落的世界),Fifth Element (第五元素),Shrek (史瑞克),Toy Story 2 (玩具總動員2),The Seventh Son (第七傳人),300 壯士:帝國崛起... 等。
Sean Hargreaves 為電影「幻想國度 Neverwas」所設計的創作實體呈現劇照。
電影惡靈13 的場景概念設計
Sean's Book 'Places' was published in 2011 to great reviews. The book focuses on Sean's personal Design work using cutting edge software to express his ideas and showcasing them in lavish illustrations. Sean has lectured at the Art Center College of Design, Apple Computer Industrial Design team, Microsoft / Nokia Design Beijing, Otis College of Art and Design, The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, The Beijing University of Technology, Jian Qiao University in Shanghai, and Siggraph.
至於個人作品集, Sean 於 2011年出版了展現個人設計理念的創作作品集「Places」,本書大量使用科技軟體為輔助,佐以豐富詳盡的插圖,徹底展現了他的創作理念於書頁間。這本作品集獲得了亞馬遜等等專業評論的好評推薦,並在美術設計業界中備受推崇。
Sean 除了豐富的業界經歷,同時也擁有深厚的教學經驗。他曾任教於 Art Center College of Design、蘋果電腦工業設計團隊、微軟/諾基亞設計(北京)、Otis College of Art and Design、中國戲劇藝術學院、北京工業大學、上海建橋大學和 Siggraph。
He has won the AICP Award twice and has been nominated for four Art Director Guild Awards, winning one. His work is in the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art in New York City and has been featured in the exhibition 'PIXAR:20 Years of Animation' at MOMA in New York City.
除了以上經歷,他更曾經兩度獲得 AICP 的殊榮,在美國電影美術指導協會得到四次提名,一次獲獎。他的作品被收藏在紐約現代藝術博物館的永久收藏區,並在紐約 MOMA “PIXAR:20 Years of Animation” 展出。
「雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏」 裡的太空船設計