原創設定師是許多人心中的夢幻職業,可以為好萊塢或世界各地 AAA 級遊戲 / 電影訂下美術風格走向,更是原創設定師們夢寐以求的工作。2018 LiK: MeetUp Workshop 邀請到了領導西方電影美術原創設計的先驅巨擘 Sean Hargreaves 來台灣舉辦工作坊,分享他多年在業界第一線與各大頂尖團隊教學創作的經驗累積。
不只是華麗的技巧展現和功成名就的強者故事演說,在這個工作坊裡,Sean Hargreaves 將把他在 Art Center、蘋果電腦工業設計團隊、Otis College of Art and Design... 等等眾多美術專業教學上的經驗融會,從最基礎的「設計語言的理論」到「如何以光影說一個故事」,甚至是實用的 3D工具使用和 Photobash 運用。他將帶領參予者踏實的理解完整業界工作流程,從養成、發想到創作。體驗國際設定師眼裡所看見的世界。
This year's LiK: Meet Up Workshop, we invited a very experienced industry speaker, Sean Hargreaves to Taiwan to give a workshop and shares his invaluable experience in the Entertainment Industry.
The Workshop is crafted to be organic and more interactivity between the speaker and the participants. Showing a detailed view of how industry veteran designers think through their design process and pipeline of creating high-end industry work. Experiencing how these veterans view worlds.
Having the ability to create worlds, this is a Workshop you do not want to miss!
* All session are conducted in English language with professional Chinese translator.
想要進入原創設定師的產業需要什麼條件呢? 他們又是如何在這競爭激烈的產業脫穎而出,並保持領導產業方向的地位?
這次 LiK: MeetUp Workshop 除了扎實的基礎學理之外,也將請 Sean Hargreaves 與大家一請分享他是如何看待這個產業和定位自己的價值。
The concept industry relies heavily on ideas and having the capability to create fresh & new ideas allows you to be an indispensable asset to any production. It is also concept designers challenge to get inspired from his/her surrounding and uses it in his/her work.
With the progress of technologies to aid creative production, how can a concept designer tap into that technology and integrate into his/her pipeline?
So what are the characteristic to become a successful concept designers? And what are the step they took to be able to stand out from the rest of designers in the world?
This workshop, the speakers will share invaluable insights on how they view this industry and the values of your trade.